Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Windows 10 Free Upgrade Screenshots

  If you're like me, you reserved the free copy of Windows 10 as soon as you knew it was available. I have several PC's and laptops and some run Windows 7 and some run Windows 8. Both versions are eligible for the free upgrade.
  If you use Windows 8, you know how good it runs. Some people complain about it. I really liked it so when I heard about Windows 10, I couldn't wait. The free upgrades were supposed to begin installing on July 29 and I wasn't disappointed!

  It looks like the Windows 8 systems will get the Windows 10 upgrade right away while the Windows 7 systems won't. At least that's what happened to me. All my Windows 8 systems received the update as soon as I booted them up.
  What follows are some of the screen shots that you will see during the upgrade. To see if your upgrade is ready, double click on the Windows 10 icon on the lower right of your screen (it's the same icon that you used to reserve Windows 10. If the upgrade is ready to install, it will tell you. Follow the directions to do the upgrade.

  At one point when you first launch Windows 10, you have the choice to accept the defaults or you can choose a Customized setup. If you accept the defaults, some of your information will be sent to Microsoft and maybe other web sites. I chose to customize and turned all those off. It's pretty easy and if you change your mind later, I'm sure there's an easy way to turn them back on.

  So far, I have not had any issues with Windows 10 and I really love it already. If you want to do a clean install of Windows 10, you must do the upgrade first in order to lock in your Windows 10 key. Once that's done, do a search and you will find a tool put out by Microsoft that will create the complete ISO file for you.
  Here are the screen shots...

Final Upgrade screen
  Once the upgrade is complete, your system will reboot into Windows 10. Enjoy!

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