Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My Heart Is In It!

  My son is getting married soon and the wedding shower was just held in our back yard. I was planning on cutting the grass twice in preparation for it the day before the event.
  Before cutting the grass, I came up with an idea...
  What if I could somehow cut a heart into the grass?

  But how could I possibly do that? I don't have an artful bone in my body. I failed at art. I can't draw. I have no interest in art. But I kept thinking...what if...?

  Somehow in my mind, I envisioned the heart and thought about it. If I put a 5 gallon bucket at the bottom of the "heart", a bucket on both sides and one more bucket at the center of the heart, could I actually do it?
  I placed the buckets where I thought the points would be, drove the big mower out to where the bottom of the heart would be and lowered my blades to the lowest point. I then proceeded to steer the mower where I thought I should. I honestly didn't know what the end result would look like but I just kept going. I was completely and utterly amazed at what happened.

  Here is the result!

Finished Heart
...and another view

  But the true effect was not known until these pictures were taken. My future daughter-in-law texted me "!!!!John just emailed me the lawn heart!!! How absolutely wonderful of you! I love you very much. I can't believe my luck!"
  Me neither...me neither.

  Here are a few more pictures showing the people from the shower and the bridesmaids less the one who couldn't make it from Alaska.

Tables are set up

Aerial View

Shower taking place

Everyone who was at the shower

The Bridesmaids

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic, John. Love the pictures of the guests inside the heart. Looks like the weather cooperated, too.
