Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Turkey Sub Anyone? What does a Turkey Sub mean to you?

     The other day, 15 minutes until 11, my manager invited me to a 2 hour meeting that was to run from 11 AM until 1 PM. I don't know about you but my lunch hour is sacred to me. I get up early, exercise, eat a small bowl of cereal around 7 AM and do not eat anything else until noon. So when I got the invitation to this meeting I was a little upset. That meant I would not eat my lunch until 1 PM. I'm hungry by noon!
     I accepted the meeting and grumbled. I hate eating during a "working lunch" because I like to read my Kindle during lunch to relax from the stress of pulling data out of databases all day long.
     About 5 minutes later, I got another Email from my manager saying he was going to order lunch from Jimmy John's.

      "Oh Boy!" I thought...Gourmet Sandwiches! I replied back saying I'd like a Turkey sub picturing in my mind the sub featured below with turkey inside.

     Here is their description of the Turkey sub...

     We went into the meeting room and got into our discussions. After about 20 minutes, the subs were delivered "freaky fast"...Instead of getting up to grab their subs, my peers continued with their meeting. This drives me crazy! When food is delivered, I'm like Homer Simpson and beer..."Food, Food. Food...!". I continued sitting there staring at the food and tuning out the discussion. 
     Finally our manager said to go ahead and grab our food. I was last to get over there and someone handed me my sub marked John on the wrapper. As I walked back I noticed everyone chowing down on subs that looked like the one above. I couldn't wait..BUT WAIT!!!!
     I opened my sub and discovered that my manager had ordered my sub as a Plain white bread sub with just two slices of turkey on it. There was no lettuce, tomato, banana peppers, mayo, salt or pepper. It was PLAIN and DRY!  I could not believe it. I didn't order a drink so there I sat trying to eat my DRY sub with nothing to drink. Unbelievable!

I could not believe it. I didn't order a drink so there I sat trying to eat my DRY sub with nothing to drink. It was SO hard to swallow! Unbelievable!
     My gourmet turkey sub went from this...

to this...

     Needless to say, next time my manager asked for my order, I will be very specific!!!

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