Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Calgary or Bust! Part 3

     There is not much to report today because all I do is sit in the office and work while I'm here but the view of the Rocky Mountains driving to the office is spectacular. It really does look like this.

Calgary and the Rocky Mountains

     In the morning, I go down to breakfast at the hotel at 7:10 AM and scarf down my food because the manager who is riding with me is already down there doing work and he's already eaten. Then about 7:25 AM I'm out the door with the manager heading to the office. Today I didn't leave the office until after 6:30 PM with the manager who is riding with me but that's because we went out to dinner with some other workers. Tonight I got back to the hotel around 8:30 PM after eating dinner at Earls Barlow Trail restaurant. I had the Bourbon mushroom steak with a Pale Ale. It was really good.


     Speaking of dinner, I had a strange experience while at dinner.

Sorry! Sorry!
     I went to the Lavatory and was standing at the urinal and heard a girls voice. I turned and here is a girl wearing a short black dress who works there picking up trash on the floor in the Lavatory within 4 feet of me! Then she proceeds to check the paper towel dispensers and said Sorry! Sorry! a couple times.
     I thought I was back in Antwerp Belgium again in the Lavatory!

     I'm tired so it's bedtime and then another long day tomorrow.

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