Monday, July 8, 2013

Retracing Our Past Through Travel - Day Nine

     On July 7, we drove all the way from Marinette, WI to Detroit, MI. Before leaving, we decided to eat once again at Schloegels. 

Potato Pancakes
      Driving was going great until we were about 1 mile from the Mackinac Bridge in the UP. Stop and Go! The traffic was backed up for a long ways. We finally made it to the lower peninsula and promptly exited to eat in Mackinac City.

Chef in a Melon

     We ate at the same restaurant that we ate breakfast in a week before. I ordered the Fish and Chips plate. Let me tell you, the fish was fresh and I got 3 huge pieces for under $10. At the salad bar, they had the carved melon shown above.
      After eating, we entered the freeway only to find stop and go driving all the way down to where I-75 and US-23 branches off just south of Flint. What a long drive that was. The good thing is that I averaged 62.8 MPG all the way! More on that in my next blog.

      By the time we got to Flint it was 8 PM so we decided to stop at the Westside Diner on Balenger Highway. They have a burger, malt and fries special so we ordered that. They make the best malts and you get the entire metal cup that they make it in. We ordered one malt and split it. The waitress really outdid herself! That is REAL whipped cream on top.

Our Burgers

     After we got back on the freeway and entered the split, most of the traffice went down US 23 so it was free sailing after that.  We arrived at home around 10:30 PM and we were dead tired.
     So as a recap, we left Detroit on June 30 and hit Mackinac City, Marinette, WI, the cemetery in Marinette, WI, Stillwater, MN, Worthington, MN, the cemetery near Adrian, MN, Sioux Falls, SD, Lamberton, MN, Mankato, MN and then back to Marinette, Mackinac City and Detroit on July 7. Along the way, we buried our Mom, saw many of our relatives, and Retraced Our Past Through Travel.


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