Monday, December 15, 2014

A Non-Reader's Unbelievable Kindle Story

How I went from NOT reading to reading a book a week!

    Kindle: An eReader sold by Amazon
    eReader: An electronic thing that looks like a small tablet that can contain books to read
    Librarian Sister: Someone who tricks you into buying a Kindle and then downloads interesting books into it and then gets you hooked!

    That being said, my sister is an avid reader. In fact, her personalized license plate on her car advertises that she is a reader. She even has 4 or 5 books going at the same time! For years, she has given me paperback and hard cover books to read and occasionally she would give me a complete series of books to read like the Left Behind series.
    She has been raving about her Kindles for years. Yes, she has multiple Kindles, a Nook and seems to buy a new Kindle each time Amazon brings out a new one. When she buys a new one, she either gives away her last Kindle to her family members or sells it. Finally, after a lot of prodding, she talked me into buying my first Kindle. It was the Kindle with the paper white background and you could read it anywhere, even on the beach with no glare. It also held a charge for a LONG time. The drawback was that it didn't have a touch screen.
    I read quite a few books on it and then she called me one day and said that the Kindle Fire was on sale at Amazon and once again talked me into buying it. I gave my old Kindle to my mother-in-law who kept it for a month and returned it to me. She likes real books. I ended up giving it to my wife.
    I had the Fire for about a year and then on Facebook, I saw someone had a Kindle Fire HD for sale at a good price. I contacted them and bought it.

     Now my Kindle Fire (shown above) is on sale on eBay. The listing is here in case you are fortunate enough to read this before it sells and you want one. It's a good deal and comes with the original box along with a nice leather case with the original box.
    I guess the main point of this little story is that I have a ton of hobbies and was "too busy to read". Well, that got blown right out of the water. I now read during lunch at work and sometimes find myself sneaking off and reading more of the book I'm currently reading after I get home. I am HOOKED! I'm averaging a book a week and that's reading about an hour a day. I just love how I get so engrossed into these Action Thrillers or Mysteries that I read.
    You can see many of the books I have read by returning to my blog and looking on the right hand side for the "Books I've Recently Read" section. Once in a while I get one that starts off slow and I think it's a dud but then all of a sudden, it gets downright interesting and I finish it.
    One that I particularly enjoyed was called The Ghost in the Polka Dot Bikini. It was quite entertaining to say the least.

     Many authors write multiple books and I follow quite a few of them. Characters and authors include Jack Noble books by L. T. Ryan, Jack Reacher books by Lee Child, Joe Pike novels by Robert Crais, all books by David Baldacci, books by A. American including Going Home, Surviving Home and Escaping Home. Another book I really enjoyed was called Hiking Through by Paul Stutzman. It's a true story about a middle aged man who lost his wife to cancer and decided to quit his job and hike the entire Appalachian Trail. It was a very moving book and so interesting, I could hardly put the book down. If you have ever hiked or thought about hiking, this book is a must read.

    I hope I have talked you into getting your own Kindle and that you will begin reading. I feel like a whole new world has opened up to me since I began reading all these books. One tip I can give you is this: When you begin reading a book, on the first page, place a note that says you began reading the book on such and such a date. Then when you finish, Edit the note and put the date that you finished. You will be surprised over time how fast you can read a book. Also, if you use GMail, go to Google Drive and create a new spreadsheet to keep track of the books you read along with the start and end dates.
    Have fun and Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. You can thank me with an Amazon gift certificate (hint, hint).
    Your sister!
