Thursday, October 30, 2014

Killing Germs Legally with Germ Fighter Essential Oils and Thieves Oil

     Germs Germs Go Away!!!
     I feel like something is trying to make me sick so I had to bring out the big guns tonight...Essential Oil Aromatherapy!
     When I was in Alaska, my daughter-in-law always had her aromatherapy machines going to "ward off" the evil germs and spirits. "Essential Oils are the bomb" she would keep saying. "You have to get some." I came down with the cough from hell when I was there the first time and she made me sleep with her Aromatherapy machine going with her own blend of Essential Oils.
     I did some research and discovered that Thieves Oil or its equivalent was what I wanted to buy. After doing some research, Thieves Oil has an interesting past. As legend tells, essential oils were used by robbers and thieves during medieval times to protect themselves from the plague and other diseases of their victims. Ebola...hello!
     A 1997 study at Weber State University showed the oils in this Germ Fighter blend to be 99.96% effective against airborne bacteria.
     I recently bought an essential oil called Germ Fighter, Essential Oil Synergy and it's available from Amazon. Click on the link above to see it and buy it if you like. It is a blend of Lemon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, and Rosemary essential oils.

     I also bought a small aromatherapy machine called ZAQ also on Amazon. The link is to another machine made by the same company. Here is a link to the one that I have shown below.
ZAQ Lite Mist Aromatherapy Machine
     It is quite small and comes with a power cord, instructions and a measuring cup for the water. You can only put a maximum of 80 ml in it at a time but this lasts a LONG time.You add 3 to 5 drops of essential oil to the water and then turn it on. Steam instantly comes out of the top.
     What does the machine do? It breaks up the mixture of water and essential oil into millions of micro-particles, a stream of air diffuses activated ingredients of the blended essential oil, which can be easily absorbed by the body and the aroma helps to freshen the room.
     Aromatherapy not only helps to keep you healthy, it also relaxes your body and at the same time, your skin becomes moisturized.
See the steam?
     The aromatherapy machine has a power on / off button on the front. The first press turns on the unit and you get misting and the color of the top cone slowly changes through all colors of the rainbow. Gee, I feel like I'm reliving the 60's with peace, love and pot!
     If you press the power button again, the color stays fixed with the misting still on. Press it again and the colored light turns off but the misting continues. Press it again to power off the unit.
     The instruction manual is very good and the English is good so I'm thinking it may be made in America! unbelievable as this sounds, the box says Made in China!
     So what do I think? I think I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It is so cool watching the lights slowly change into another color. It really is relaxing. Also, this oil really makes the room smell nice.
     Aha! I just found out that if it runs out of water, it automatically shuts off. Now that's a plus!
     This particular unit says not to use it with corrosive oils such as Citris, Citronella and Lemon because they cause permanent damage to the unit. Well Thieves Oil does have a bit of Lemon in it so I am making sure I rinse the unit out well when I stop using it.
     The verdict is still out on this but this combined with everything else I do will hopefully ward off any serious bacteria born illnesses.

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