Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I'm now the official Women's Rest Room Sniffer!

     I get called upon by the office manager to do all sorts of odd jobs. A month or so ago, there apparently was a mouse eating things out of my neighbor's drawer in his cube.
     The office manager bought mouse traps and then tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I could bait the traps for her and put them in the drawer. I did. I used one of the guy's raisins and shoved that puppy up the bait arm on the trap.

     The next day the office manager opened the drawer and yelled for me to come over there.  Sure enough, there was a mouse in the trap. I took it into our bathroom and through it away in the waste basket.  Problem more mice.
     Now the other day, I was tapped for a duty I did not want to do. She asked me to go into the women's rest room and take a sniff. Hmmmm, I thought. I really don't want to sniff their rest room but what the heck. I get to be a fly on the wall!
     In I went...

     And holy moly! What a bad smell! I told the manager it must be sewer gas because the men's rest room next door had no odor (as odd as that might seem...White Castles anyone?). I told her to get a pail and pour some water down the floor drain.

     A while later she came by and told me that I solved the more smell in the rest room.
     On Monday she left a pound of Dunkin' Donuts coffee for me with a thank you note.

     It smells a lot better than that bathroom!

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