Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Calgary or Bust! Part 2

     Day 2 in Calgary...
     This will be a short update to my travels, er, non-travels in and around Calgary. The office I'm working in turns out to be about 3 miles from the hotel so around 7:30 AM I drove to it with one of the managers.
     Picture where you work and now picture where you park. Picture a normal office building near the airport with normal parking for cars. Now picture this...

Hourly Parking Receipt: $8 for 8 hours
     Yes, it costs a person $8 to park in a normal parking lot and that was good only until 4 PM. Of course I was there until 6 PM but I didn't get towed. We are miles from downtown and they told me it costs $45 a day to park downtown. Unreal!
     Here's an interesting fact. All the doors to the offices have a lego looking square on the door and then the tenants name and suite number is "lego'd " to the door like the example shown below. This is what the STAIRS door had on it.

Lego Office Door Signs
     I guess they save money this way.
     BTW, the view of the mountains this morning was spectacular but of course I was driving and could not take a picture.
     After I got to the office, my company laptop somehow picked up a malware virus. I have no idea how. I never use it off the company network. I spent hours today trying to get rid of it. I finally think I got it after scanning it about 50 times and rebooting it countless times. Damn you! You virus and malware creators! You know who you are!
     Now I will show you is how the plumbing sticks out of the floor in the hotel. It doesn't go into the wall. I think it's because it is so cold here that this prevents the pipes from freezing.

Hot and Cold Water Pipes and Drain in the Bathroom

Toilet Water Inlet
     My wife told me I need to be on the lookout for a Looney Loon coin. I did a search on the Internet and sure enough they have them here but so far, I have not received one. I guess they have several versions of them.

     I worked a lot of hours today. It looks like I won't get any sightseeing or any Looney Loon looking done while I'm here.
     Oh yes, one final thing. Tonight when I drove back to the hotel there were hundreds of geese flying in formation. They were going every which way and some formations had only two flying on one part of the V and maybe 35 on the other part of the V. It was a strange sight to behold. I thought geese flew south for the winter but these must be "Canadian Geese"...Gotcha! This is a true story though. Here's a link so you can learn about the geese.
     Until my next update, see ya!


  1. The geese aren't flying south because all of the Canadian cold weather is here in the south right now and it's probably warmer up where they are headed. Hope you do get a little time to do some sightseeing.
